About me


For most people, travel is a dream which they plan and save towards, for an annual vacation at a beach cottage in some warm place. For others the idea of chucking in a day job to backpack through a foreign country for a few months is the lure.

For me it’s an obsession which I am passionate about. It’s my driving force; it’s what motivates me to work and what consumes my waking hours.


It was this fixation with travel that first introduced me to photograph and my new found hobby of scrapbooking which really cemented it. I had to have a record of my experiences and I needed to write about them. I wanted to share these with family and friends and leave a legacy to my grand-children.

To augment my education and enhance my skills, I have taken this desire to the next level by completing several courses; including “The Ultimate Travel Writers Program” and “Turning your Pictures into Cash”. My travel experience allowed me to live a life many dream about.

I have lived and traveled in South Africa, where I was born; worked as a contractor in the Comores Archipelago, sailed along the East coast of Mozambique and Tanzania, visited and written about islands only accessible by boat.

  • I’ve lead dives in Mauritius and Seychelles, discovered a community of people who live in tree-houses atop a mangrove forest, on a Tanzanian island, that is only visible at low-tide.
  • I’ve been walk-about in Australia, driven up the East Coast from Sydney along the Gold Coast to Brisbane and up the sunshine Coast to Caloundra; where we visited Steve Erwin’s “Australia Zoo”.
  • I have been sight-seeing in Europe, visited castles in England and watch “Cats” in London.
  • I’ve had hands-on encounters with dolphins in Mexico,  been cruising in the Sea of Cortez, the Atlantic, the Indian and the  Pacific Oceans.
  • I’ve surfed in Waikiki; snorkeled with turtles in Barbados; and spent my 25th anniversary in romantic Magen’s Bay, ST Thomas, Virgin Islands Caribbean.

Having written that, I realize just how blessed I am and how this qualifies me to showcase my experience. If you are looking for an enthusiastic positive live-wire essayist/writer… you have found me. I exist to write about travel experiences.


Let my words speak for you.

I have been a writer and story teller from an early age, writing stories and scripts for plays performed by eager 10 year old’s in a school hall. Later I wrote for my school magazine (arts section of course) and throughout my life, chronicling and recording my travels in handwritten journals.


My official training as a writer began 2010 when I signed up for several courses through AWAI -American Writers and Artists, Inc., with an advisory board boasting over 30 industry experts, where top copywriters like Michael Masterson and Bob Bly share their knowledge to prepare the next group of top copywriters. I am a founding member of  “The Professional Writer’s Alliance” and a Platinum member of “Wealthy Web Writer”

Writing and interpreting ideas into words comes naturally to me.  I have enjoyed writing ever since I was a teenager. I am fascinated by the response and reaction certain words evoke, and enjoy the process of analyzing, rearranging and fine-tuning, until I am satisfied that my words express the intentional message and attain the desired result. I have written sales-letters, emails, product sheets, articles, book reviews, press releases, travel journals and web-content. I’ve designed brochures, marketing collateral, advertorials, edited manuscripts and compiled procedures manuals.


In the summer of 2010 I discovered another love; one that also allows me to express myself, this time through paintings and digital art. I am a member of Fine Art America where I have sold originals and prints of my work. I am an active member of Paint my Photo and I Draw and Paint.

You can view my art at:

Fine Arts America

let  “My Words for You”  be the proof!

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